Op. Dr Kenan Simsek
Working Life
2007-2013 Afyonkocatepe University Faculty of Medicine
2013-2017 Bartın Amasra District Integrated State Hospital – General Practitioner
2017-2023 Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University Faculty of Medicine – Neurosurgery Research Assistant
2023- Çankırı State Hospital Brain and Nerve Surgery Specialist Physician
Scientific Publications
The histopathological effects of reabsorbable polyethylene glycol hydrogel (Coseal) onepidural fibrosis in an experimental postlaminectomy model in rats E Keskin, HA Aydin, M Kalayci, E Işik, U Özgen, K Şimşek, D Baklaci, … Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 51 (3), 1512-1520 | |
The preventative effect of of of Ro5-4864 (peripheral benzodiazepine receptor agonist) on spinal epidural fibrosis after laminectomy in a rat model E Keskin, EY Can, HA Aydın, E Işık, U Özgen, K Şimşek, O Cengil, … Neurological Research 43 (12), 1107-1115 | |
Efficacy of tranexamic acid on blood loss in thoracolumbar spinal fusion surgery K Emrah, AH Ali, O Utku, K Murat, S Kenan, B Deniz J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 31 (12), 1449-1454 | |
Investigation of the prevalence of demodex sp. in university students Ö Miman, K Şimşek, S Özselçuk, E Küçükkoçak, Ş Karaca Afyon Kocatepe University, Kocatepe Medical Journal | |
Symptomatic spinal seeding metastasis of a low-grade oligodendroglioma E Keskin, HA Aydin, B Bahadir, K Simsek, M Kalayci J. Coll. Physicians Surg. Pak 32, 1347-1349 | |
Epidemiology, Treatment Options and Survival Time of Glioblastome Multiforme: Retrospective Single Centre Study E Keskin, Ö Elmas, HA Aydin, K Şimşek, E Gün, M Kalaycı Western Black Sea Medical Journal 5 (2), 248-255 | |
Rebar-induced transpalatal penetrating head trauma: a case report E Keskin, HA Aydın, Ş Gül, M Kalaycı, K Şimşek Child’s nervous system 37 (12), 3939-3943 | |
The Effect of Incision Size on Postoperative Paraspinal Muscle Recovery in Lumbar Disc Surgery E Keskin, B AÇIKGÖZ, M KALAYCI, GÜL Şanser, HA AYDIN, … Batı Karadeniz Tıp Dergisi 4 (2), 71-77 | |
Giant supratentorial cavernoma preceded by major deficit MK Recep Şavik , Kenan Şimşek* , Şanser Gül , Figen Barut , Eren Görkem Gün Türk Nöroşirurji Dergisi 29 (Ek 2), 327 | |
Intracranial FETUS IN FETU MK Şanser Gül , Recep Şavik , Kenan Şimşek , Cumhur Aydemir , İbrahim Etem … Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery 29 (Supplement 2), 316 |
Cankiri State Hospital
Brain and Nerve Surgery